The Impact Of Diabetes On Eyes

 Proven research and recent studies that diabetes is one of the most important diseases that cause severe damage to eye, especially if neglected treatment, but fortunately, most of eye problems if discovered early can be easily treated. Therefore, diabetics generally they must retinal scans every year to check their

Sports, diabetics must avoid violent sports practice that can lead to increase eye pressure such as weight lifting or any other sport kinds make patient a lot of breath constipation such as diving or tennis.

There are symptoms cause vision problems such as emergence of a white dot in field of view, this means low sugar level, these symptoms show occurrence of certain disorders that can be remedied in matter, not necessary lost vision as they disappear once falling sugar level to normal.

Emphasize once need of diabetics work periodically check eye by your eye care professional, caring for need to maintain sugar level in normal limits, taking into account that change in sugar level, whether increase low may cause unclear in eye and disorder in vision improves moderately sugar level.

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