You can live with diabetes or someone of your family have diabetes, like average people, with these simple ways, include:
1- Choose carefully your carbohydrates:
You are a diabetic patient does not means that you have low carbohydrates, but you need to have fewer carbohydrates by choosing foods that are less of carbohydrates and analyze slowly too, such as, vegetables, whole grain, fruits and nuts.
Always contact your Doctor to get the quantity of carbohydrates that you should eat.
2- Lose some of your weight:
If you are obese, you can lose some pounds of your weight by following healthy diets with no or less fats and carbohydrates.
Weight loss may help you to control blood sugar level and fewer fat in blood can maintain your blood pressure.
3- Sleep well:
Enough sleeping can maintain your sugar level. Less sleeping can make you more hungry then more weight gain, thus, heart disease risks and more.
So get enough sleep about 8 hours a day.
4- Do some sport exercises:
You can practice exercises that you like, walking, running or stairs workout just for 30 minutes daily to loose weight, this can reduce heart disease and blood vessels risks.
5- Test your blood sugar level daily:
Always check out your blood sugar level to stay in control with diabetes, this can help you to stay away from diabetes risks and heart disease.
You can make a diet plan by your doctor instructions.
6- Control your moods:
Yes your moods, when you worry your blood sugar will be high. So control your angry or your bad mood, to do this you should practice yoga.
Yoga is the best sport that everyone talk about, it's also have more benefits for diabetes type 1 and type 2.
7- No salt:
You must to reduce eating salt to maintain your blood pressure also your kidney.
You can put spices better than putting salts. Go away from industrial foods, but eat natural foods.
Remember this, more birthdays you get less salt you eat.
8- Heart disease risk:
Heart disease increased with diabetes, to avoid that, there are necessary tests and diagnostics for the injury:
- A1C: to determinate sugar level of last two month, you should do it twice a year at least.
- Blood pressure;
- cholesterol levels.
9- Stop smoking:
Smoking increases risks of heart disease and stroke in patients with diabetes. Try quitting Smoking by getting help of your doctor to develop a plan to quit smoking.
10- Visit Your doctor:
You have to visit your doctor 2 to 4 time a year, do test and diagnostics on heart, nervous and kidney to make sure there are not diabetic problems.
Also visit dentist.
Diabetes is not a disease, it is actually a defect in insulin secretion leads to increase blood sugar. Get what you want with sweety diabetes articles.
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