Diabetes Tests

Analysis of patient's blood sugar is one of most important analyzes, because it is first indicator of diagnosis and determine treatment doses also determine treatment effectiveness.

There are analyzed blood's sugar for patient is fasting, two hours after eating and normal ranges between 70 and 110 milligrams when fasting, up to 140 mg on average two hours after eating food and more or less is considered abnormal needs to be addressed.

It is very important for patient to follow-up after availability of small sugar self-analysis devices which helps patient to conduct tests at home, thus can control sugar levels also shield them from disease complications.

There are tests to follow diabetes, is called - hemoglobin - Where analysis of a little blood in a way that Fine Chemical see how discipline blood sugar levels over previous three months for tests, where blood cells are renewed every three months.

Natural rate of sugar in hemoglobin about 7%, if this percentage high taken that discipline no therapeutic patient during previous three months to analyze, to increase sugar than normal hemoglobin inside red blood cells.

Professors suggest that analysis hemoglobin is more accurate and useful analysis for normal blood sugar level.

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