Diabetes is a bad disease but you can live with diabetes as other healthy people, as you are not diabetic patient by following your doctor instructions. In this small article, you will now some tips to get a healthy live.
There are tips for diabetics for people who suffer from diabetes type II, visit to doctor every three to six months, continuously, in order to conduct tests, which aims to monitor status and appropriateness of style treatment of changes that could have occurred in their condition.
Also, there is a need for an annual check-ups in order to detect presence (or emergence) of problems in your eyes or in kidneys.
Doctors offers tips for diabetics them to visit the doctor every three to six months, in order to:
- Check out and follow-up blood sugar levels, changes that have occurred since last examination: being a physician assessment to need to change or modify method of your treatment.
- Check your blood pressure: be sure to stay with your blood pressure less than 80/130. If you have high blood pressure, just ask your doctor to solve the problem, it's better to monitor your blood pressure at home too.
- check out feet: to detect signs of injuries, infections or other problems in your feet.
- Hemoglobin A1c test or similar examination (Glycosylated hemoglobin test or Glycohemoglobin): If their blood sugar levels are stable and did not change treatment lifestyle, it is possible to conduct this examination every six months.
- Visit the Ophthalmologist (or eye specialist (Optometrist)) once in every year, in order to examine the pupil dilated for signs of diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma, which is a widespread phenomenon significantly among people with diabetes .
- Some experts offer tips for people with diabetes to conduct tests at low frequency. If it were not to have any signs of this disease, diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma.
- Examination of eyes during pregnancy: If you are pregnant, YOU MUST examination Ophthalmoscope during first three months of pregnancy, to continue monitoring closely throughout pregnancy, even after a year of birth, because pregnancy increases your risk for developing disease eyes. If you are infected eyes and carried disease, eye disease may quickly worsen.
Diabetes is not a disease, it is actually a defect in insulin secretion leads to increase blood sugar. Get what you want with sweety diabetes articles.
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