Gestational Diabetes...An obstacle to newborn baby.

There is no cause for gestational diabetes is not known specifically. Some researchers and connects among gestational diabetes and various hormones secreted, which reduces effect of insulin in body's cells, causing an increase insulin secretion from pancreas.
In addition, recent studies suggest that existence of additional materials, such as leptin, and other materials that cause gestational diabetes. There may be different genetic effects, for example, enzyme glucokinase structure, which mediates insulin secretion from pancreas.

Risk factors for gestational diabetes:
• Age (25 and older)
• developing diabetes before pregnancy
• Obesity
• Family history of diabetes
• and other

What is affect of gestational diabetes on fetus?
Excess sugar in body passes into fetus, leading to secretion of high insulin levels. Insulin can act as growth hormone may cause excessive fetus growth, this called macrosomia phenomenon.
Very large fetuses can cause complications during pregnancy and childbirth with lacerations in birth canal and pelvis, thus it's obligatory to do cesarean delivery. When it comes to fetus weighed more than four pounds, is highly recommended to conduct a caesarean section.

In addition, infants may develop hypoglycemia. As children of mothers who have suffered from gestational diabetes, they are at increased risk for obesity range and type 2 diabetes later in life. Diabetes gestational is risk factor for high blood pressure in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia, complications that can cause illness or death for mother or fetus.

Treatment for gestational diabetes:

- Sugar levels should be monitored after meals. Must also monitor development of fetus closely.
- Must diet to maintain natural sugar in blood : a program that includes fruits, vegetables and whole grains , which do not cause high sugar levels and insulin release in abundance, try to reduce consumption of sweets.
- Try to do exercise for pregnant women : exercise lead in  blood sugar to enter cells and increase their sensitivity to insulin. Please consult with your doctor about nature of activity and recommended frequency.
- Medicine : if he fails to follow a balanced diet and exercise in balancing blood sugar levels, a doctor may prescribe drugs to treat diabetes , such as insulin injections .

Is it possible to prevent gestational diabetes ?
Can not know for sure if he will develop gestational diabetes . Proper nutrition , exercise and maintain a normal body weight before pregnancy can reduce that risk , even if there is a load of sugar in past.
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